Mini Mindfulness Break for August 22, 2022

Dear Friends:
We need a “˜Social Dharma’ to care for our common home.
This Social Dharma must reach across our different cultures and
Buddhist traditions. That means to care for our bodies,
our communities, and our planet.”

– Sensei Hozan Alan Senauke

<a href=" the Sangha&body=Name: Friends%0d%0aEmail:“>Click here to receive the link to join my next teaching on Wednesday night at 7:00 PM PDT.

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Here’s an interesting post from Meditation Practices:
How to Train Compassion


Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind

by Kristin Neff, Ph. D.

This video, Raising Compassion, brings together a diverse group of neuroscientists, mental health professionals, and Buddhist monks in a remarkable exchange between science, art, and contemplative practice. In a series of informal …

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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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