Mini Mindfulness Break for October 11, 2022

Dear Friends:
Both wisdom and compassion shift our sense of identity away from ourselves toward the wider human, biotic, and cosmic community to which we belong. But where wisdom involves a cognitive grasp of this fact, compassion operates viscerally.

– Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi

<a href=" the Sangha&body=Name: Friends%0d%0aEmail:“>Click here to receive the link to join my next teaching on Wednesday night at 7:00 PM PDT.

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Here’s an interesting post from Meditation Practices:
Thoughts on Climate Change by Matthieu Ricard
In this video, we learn about altruism and thoughts on climate change by Matthieu Ricard. The video is from a Ted Talk from last October that was posted recently. He says, It is all the more important to foster an altruistic motivation rather than a selfish one… We are now th …

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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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