Mini Mindfulness Break for October 12, 2022

Dear Friends:
The Path of Understanding

Bodhicitta is the path of understanding who you are in the fathomless nature of infinite contingency, and then developing the skills to navigate this reality””your life””in a way that is awakening for both yourself and for others.

– Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel, “Nurturing the Intelligent Heart”

Healing Alert: Your are invited to view my talk on Mindfulness In Healing: How I Survived Bladder Cancer for more than 25 years from the Bladder Cancer Summit on Saturday, October 1, 2022 by visiting Resources for BCAN. Use the password “bcan2022” to get in.

The feedback for this event has been exciting. Linda D. wrote, “It worked out for us to watch your presentation live on Saturday. We appreciated both the content and your calm, caring delivery. I can imagine that it was well appreciated by all those in the room struggling with life threatening bladder cancer. It is so good of you to put out the energy to share with others what has been so helpful to you in your long healing journey.”

May you be peaceful and at ease!

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Here’s an interesting post from Meditation Practices:
Focus On One Thing At A Time
Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence is the new book by Daniel Goleman. He was recently interviewed by Joan Duncan Oliver in an article in Tricycle Magazine titled, Focus: The Power of Paying Attention. Unless you are a member, you won’t b …

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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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