Mini Mindfulness Break for July 12, 2022

Dear Friends:
Your destiny is closer to you than your own beating heart.

– Martha Beck, Steering by Starlight

<a href=" the Sangha&body=Name: Friends%0d%0aEmail:“>Click here to receive the link to join my next teaching on Wednesday night at 7:00 PM PDT.

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Here’s an interesting post from Meditation Practices:
Killing You Softly
Roberta Flack tells us that “[He] is killing me softly with his song.” But I say, sugar is killing you softly with its sweetness. This is especially true for refined sugar. There are other foods that also my be killing you softly. These are mainly packaged foods that contain GMO …

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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Mini Mindfulness Break for July 11, 2022

Dear Friends:
Whether or not you’re consciously following your destiny, your destiny
is always following you.

– Martha Beck, Steering by Starlight: Find Your Right Life, No Matter What!“>Click here to receive the link to join my next teaching on Wednesday night at 7:00 PM PDT.

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Here’s an interesting post from Meditation Practices:
Discover the Purpose of Your Life with Jean Houston
“The 3 Keys To Discovering & Living Your Life’s Purpose” with Dr. Jean Houston Thursday, June 18th, 2015 at 5pm Pacific Time Special Bonus Below Do you ever feel like there must be…more? Regardless of how happy you are with your life, do you wish you felt mo …

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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Mini Mindfulness Break for July 10, 2022

Dear Friends:
Owning projections””always a good practice, huh? That practice is crucial for us for a reason we don’t often see in the beginning. Owning projections has you looking at what conditioned mind is doing rather than through what conditioned mind is doing. See what I mean? It’s huge! We often talk about starting to look at what goes on inside our head as if someone were walking along beside us saying all the stuff happening in there. Imagine! We would certainly not be confused that “I’m thinking that. That’s me.” THAT is where we want to get to with the crapola going on inside our head. We need to get that “I’m NOT thinking that. That’s NOT me.”

– Cheri Huber“>Click here to receive the link to join my next teaching on Wednesday night at 7:00 PM PDT.

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Read about this day in 1997 at Mindfulness In Healing:
Moon Set Over Corte Madera Creek
I was invited to play tennis with some of my favorite players this morning, but by ten o’clock, one person did not show up and the other person left without checking out the situation. I was rallying with the fourth person and someone he had found to hit with until the whole grou …

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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Mini Mindfulness Break for July 9, 2022

Dear Friends:
You should always keep yourself firmly grounded… Unless you want to fly.

– Martha Beck, Daily Coach Tip

<a href=" the Sangha&body=Name: Friends%0d%0aEmail:“>Click here to receive the link to join my next teaching on Wednesday night at 7:00 PM PDT.

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Here’s an interesting post from Meditation Practices:
Nagarjuna’s Verses From The Center
Here are more Words Of Widsom Chosen by Lama Surya Das. These words of wisdom exemplify the teaching of interbeing. “Every moment of experience is contingent on a vast complex of myriad conditions. Nothing exists separately in and of itself as ‘this’ or …

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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Mini Mindfulness Break for July 8, 2022

Dear Friends:
If you prove time and time again that you have integrity, you will eventually meet the success you always knew was meant for you.

– Bryant McGill, Daily Peace Quote“>Click here to receive the link to join my next teaching on Wednesday night at 7:00 PM PDT.

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Here’s an interesting post from Meditation Practices:
7 Questions to Ask about Your Life
Here are 7 questions to ask about your life as we approach the New Year. You can read them over and continue on with your day or you can stop for a moment to ponder each one. Or you can take one question a day for the next week. Or you can take one question a week for the next …

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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Mini Mindfulness Break for July 22, 2022

Dear Friends:
As we realize at deeper levels that Life is not a contest, that nothing is trying to trick, fool, or make us wrong (except egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate, of course), we learn to trust that still, small voice and follow it without reservation. If ego gets in and hoodwinks us, we’ll find out and there will be nothing but celebration of the insight and clarity.

– Cheri Huber, Daily Peace Quote

<a href=" the Sangha&body=Name: Friends%0d%0aEmail:“>Click here to receive the link to join my next teaching on Wednesday night at 7:00 PM PDT.

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Read about this day in 1997 at Mindfulness In Healing:
The End of a Phase
Today marks the end of a phase of my recovery. Tomorrow, I begin a new “career,” which I have been looking forward to since my son got well. Finally, I have the courage and the opportunity to do something about educating people on how to make appropriate decisions for the …

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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Mini Mindfulness Break for July 07, 2022

Dear Friends:
Frustration as Insight

An exasperating lack of concentration, devotion, or inspiration might be just what you need to make the extra effort to tune in to your practice fully. Alternatively, of course, it may topple you in the other direction and stop you practicing altogether–a temptation you must resist at all costs. Always remember, though, that frustration with your spiritual path is often an indication that you are becoming a genuine dharma practitioner.

– Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche, “Tortoise Steps”

<a href=" the Sangha&body=Name: Friends%0d%0aEmail:“>Click here to receive the link to join my next teaching on Wednesday night at 7:00 PM PDT.

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Read about this day in 1997 at Mindfulness In Healing:
Moon Set Over Corte Madera Creek
I was invited to play tennis with some of my favorite players this morning, but by ten o’clock, one person did not show up and the other person left without checking out the situation. I was rallying with the fourth person and someone he had found to hit with until the whole grou …

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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Mini Mindfulness Break for July 06, 2022

Dear Friends:
Identifying with Wholeness

It’s easy to identify with all the places we’ve been hurt and abandoned, but can we identify with the timeless wholeness that weathers every abuse, every condition?

– Bonnie Myotai Treace, “The Sword Disappears in the Water”

<a href=" the Sangha&body=Name: Friends%0d%0aEmail:“>Click here to receive the link to join my next teaching on Wednesday night at 7:00 PM PDT.

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Read about this day in 1997 at Mindfulness In Healing:
The Long Weekend!
I haven’t written much about the long weekend, because not much is happening. I spent most of the fourth just hanging out. On the fifth, we took my daughter to visit a friend in Alameda and then visited my cousins in Berkeley. By three o’clock, I was exhausted and we came home. T …

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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Mini Mindfulness Break for July 05, 2022

Dear Friends:
Why We Shouldn’t Fear Suffering

Handling our suffering is an art. If we know how to suffer, we suffer much less, and we’re no longer afraid of being overwhelmed by the suffering inside.

– Thich Nhat Hanh, “Why We Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Suffering ““>Click here to receive the link to join my next teaching on Wednesday night at 7:00 PM PDT.

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Here’s an interesting post from Meditation Practices:
The subject of happy was the theme of the Mindfulness In Healing Sangha on June 22, 2022. It was inspired by this quote: I am happy even before I have a reason. – Hafiz Thich Nhat Hanh says, “We have everything we need to be happy right now!” What do you need to be happy right no …

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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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Mini Mindfulness Break for July 04, 2022

Dear Friends:
Mindlessness Only Postpones

Mindlessness, however petty, is reckless at its heart. It only postpones; it never takes us anywhere. Mindfulness, by contrast, is patient, careful.

– Joan Duncan Oliver, “Do I Mind?”“>Click here to receive the link to join my next teaching on Wednesday night at 7:00 PM PDT.

Read More Mini Mindfulness Breaks
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Here’s an interesting post from Meditation Practices:
The subject of happy was the theme of the Mindfulness In Healing Sangha on June 22, 2022. It was inspired by this quote: I am happy even before I have a reason. – Hafiz Thich Nhat Hanh says, “We have everything we need to be happy right now!” What do you need to be happy right no …

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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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