Words of Wisdom for August 18, 2023

Dear Friends:
Tonglen: A Prayer That Rides the Breath

On the inbreath, take in what is bad, freeing others from it. On the outbreath, offer what is good.

Tonglen is like a prayer that rides the breath, similar to how Tibetan prayer flags ride the wind. It enhances our trust in our ability to be kind and, at the same time, it enhances our understanding of the selfish and negative energies that are also a part of us. Tonglen is rooted in our natural tendency to love and connect with one another.

– Judy Lief, Lion’s Roar

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Here’s an interesting post from Meditation Practices:
The Necessity of Love and Compassion
I was fortunate to be able to spend an afternoon with the Dalai Lama with my wife and two good friends on February 22 at Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco. I was able to purchase ticket through the International Campaign for Tibet. The event was sponsored by The American Him …

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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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