Words of Wisdom for October 02, 2023

Dear Friends:
“Acceptance will not be the personality accepting. Acceptance will be essence coming; it will be like a benediction, a blessing, a gentle rain. The personality cannot accept. It can surrender to the truth of the moment–which is the same as the stopping of rejection–surrender and allow what is there to be there without preference and judgment…When that surrender to the truth happens, then the acceptance comes and is experienced as a gentle, cool shower. After the hot harshness of the constant rejection of the personality it feels so cool and refreshing. Your heart will be cool and your mind rested. The feverish movement of rejection is gone. You cannot act in such a way as to accept, but you can allow acceptance by allowing and perceiving the rejection…It washes away the pain that you wanted to avoid and reject. You don’t want to reject the pains, you are aware and surrender to their existence.”

– A. H. Almaas, Diamond Approach Diamond Heart Book Two: The Freedom to Be, chapter 6

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Here’s an interesting post from Meditation Practices:
Manifest the Life of Your Dreams: Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy
Manifest the Life of Your Dreams: Guided Meditation. Today’s guided meditation will take you on a wonderful journey into the future where you will learn to use the power of your mind to manifest the life of your dreams. Source: Manifest the Life of Your Dreams: Guided Meditat …

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May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering!

All my best,

Jerome Freedman, PhD

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